Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) venue

Date: 27th October 2023   Time: 08:30 - 18:30 BST 
Venue: The Royal College of Surgeons, 38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE
Organisers: Sir Oliver Hart (Harvard University), Dimitri Vayanos (London School of Economics), Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)

Programme: click here

The conference examined the trade-offs that corporations face between maximizing profit and taking social issues and externalities into account, and the corporate governance structures that yield desirable outcomes for society as a whole.

There were four sessions, as detailed below, as well as a lunchtime debate on Fiduciary Duty.

  • Purposeful Companies
  • Shareholder Value Goal as a Way to Minimize Agency Problems
  • Common and Universal Ownership
  • Limits on Firms’ Political Activities

On the day before the conference there a public lecture was held, touching on the same general topics and titled Reforming Capitalism by Luigi Zingales - details below.

Photos: click for more

Alex Edmans

Presentations - click title

Alex Edmans (London Business School) - Purposeful Companies

Martin Schmalz (University of Oxford Saïd Business School) - Common and universal ownership

Elizabeth Pollman (University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School) - Limits on firms’ political activities