LSE-Oxford Workshop in International Macroeconomics and Finance
Conference date: 2-3rd May 2024
Venue: London School of Economics
Keynote: Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (International Monetary Fund, University of Berkeley, NBER and CEPR)
The Centre For Macroeconomics, the Financial Markets Group at the London School of Economics, Oxford University and CEPR jointly organised a Workshop on International Macroeconomics and Finance on 2nd and 3rd May 2024.
The Workshop brought together leading academics and researchers to explore critical issues in international economics.
This two-day event featured discussions on a range of topics including exchange rates, international trade, policy spillovers, capital flows, and monetary policy in open economies.
With a keynote address by Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas of the International Monetary Fund, the workshop aimed to foster dialogue on the latest theoretical and empirical research in the field.
Participants had the opportunity to engage with new insights into the dynamics of the global economy, addressing the implications of capital flows, debt vulnerabilities, and the challenges of deglobalisation.
Programme: click here
Dominant Currency Pricing Transition
Roger Vicquery (Bank of England) (Slides, Paper)
Exchange Rate Risk in Public Firms
Adrien Verdelhan (MIT Sloan School of Management) (Slides)
EXIM's Exit: The Real Effects of Trade Financing by Export Credit Agencies
Adrien Matray (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
Global or Regional Safe Assets: Evidence from Bond Substitution Patterns
Tsvetelina Nenova (London Business School) (Slides)
Global footprints of monetary policy
Silvia Miranda Agrippino (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) (Slides)
Neoclassical Growth in an Interdependent World
Stephen Redding (Princeton University) (Slides)
Missing Assets: Exploring the source of data gaps in global cross-border holdings of portfolio equity
Gian Maria Milesi Ferretti (Brookings Institution) (Slides, Paper)
Keynote: The Global (Mis)Allocation of Capital
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (International Monetary Fund) (Slides)
Inequality and Optimal Monetary Policy in the Open Economy
Edouard Challe (Paris School of Economics) (Slides)
The United States as the International Lender of Last Resort
Diego Bohorquez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) (Slides)
Organisers: Dmitry Mukhin (LSE and CEPR), Federica Romei (Oxford and CEPR), Liliana Varela (LSE and CEPR)
Funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant number EP/X020916/1 (Varela) and EP/X027228/1 (Romei)].